

Peer-review publications

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2016 Publications 

79) P. Shankhari, P.Misse, M. Mbarki, H. Park, B.P.T. Fokwa: Chemical tuning of magnetic properties through Ru/Rh substitution in Th7Fe3-type FeRh6–nRunB3 (n = 1 - 5) series, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 
78) D. Koumoulis, J. P. Scheifers, R. Touzani, B. Fokwa, L. Bouchard: Pseudogap formation and vacancy ordering in the new perovskite boride Zr2Ir6B, Acta Materialia 2016,
77) J.-P. Schmiegel, T. Block, B. Gerke, T. Fickenscher, R. St. Touzani, B. P. T. Fokwa, O. Janka; EuAu3Al2: Crystal and Electronic Structures, Spectroscopic, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties Inorg. Chem. 2016,
76) R. St. Touzani, M. Mbarki,  X. Chen, B. Fokwa, Peierls-Distorted Ru-chains and Boron Dumbbells in Nb2RuB2 and Ta2RuB2 from First-principles Calculations and Experiments, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016,
75)  F. Stegemann, C. Benndorf, R. St. Touzani, B. P. T. Fokwa, O. Janka: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Polar Intermetallics SrPt3Al2 and Sr2Pd2Al,  J.Solid state Chem. 2016,
74) D. Koumoulis, J. P. Scheifers, R. Touzani, B. Fokwa, L. Bouchard: Direct chemical fine-tuning of electronic properties in Sc2Ir6-xPdxB, Chem.Phys.Chem. 2016,

73) M. Kuepers, L. Lutz-Kappelman, Y. Zhang, G. J. Miller, B. P. T. Fokwa: Spin Frustration and Magnetic Ordering from One-Dimensional Stacking of Cr3 Triangles in TiCrIr2B2, Inorg. Chem. 2016,  Highlighted in Nachrichten aus der Chemie (03/2017)  DOI:10.1002/nadc.20174059830", 

72)  M. Mbarki, R. St. Touzani, C. W. G. Rehorn, Fabian C.  Gladisch, B. P. T. Fokwa: New ternary tantalum borides containing boron dumbbells: Experimental and theoretical studies of Ta2OsB2 and TaRuB, J. Solid State Chem 2016,doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2016.01.012.

71)  F. Stegemann, C. Benndorf, R. St. Touzani, B. P. T. Fokwa, O. Janka: Sr2Pd4Al5: Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structures, and Chemical Bonding of a New Polar Intermetallic Compound,  Eur. J. Inorg.Chem. 2016, doi: 10.1002/ejic.201501455.